Sunday, February 7, 2010

KHTO2010.. means "Knows How To Optimize 2010"..

Marevic Deviente BCSL1-A:-)
I am a student of a private school who is taking up Computer Science ladderized.KHTO2010 or known us “Knows How To Optimize 2010" is one of the challenge for me as a student.This is a test for the comp sci student if they know how to optimize their blog.It is also test your skill and enhance your ability in this field of learning knowing for the said challenge.KHTO 2010 is one of the practice for the computer Science student and it is very useful because they can use it on the future and it promotes blogging.Optimizing a blog have five ways,and these includes : bookmarking, ping sites, directory submission, commenting and link building.In the optimization it targets the different kind of search ,including image search,video and industry specific vertical engines.this gives a website view presence.As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a blog primarily involves editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques in order to remove them from their indices..Knows How To Optimize is the challenge of our teacher that given to us because it measures our ability if we totally learned what he have teach to us in the past few days .For me it is very hard for the comp sci student if they are beginner and er not well experienced in using a computer.

Challenging for the comp sci student is one way of knowing if they know and makes a techniques in optimizing their blog.It is very hard to face the challenge if you don't know what to do.The same in optimizing a blog,so,you guys comp sci student,you should listen to your teacher if they are teaching you because its for your own benefits,not only for the comp sci student but also to all student who are studying right now.

Knowing how to optimize is one way for the comp sci student to show their ability in making an opinions through the given topic and gaining knowledge through from it.For the sake of your knowledge,you should know the basic and the guidelines in optimizing.Listening,trying and learning are the words that maybe you will get from optimizing your blog.Because if you are listening to the one who teach you,and trying how to do the same from it you will really learn it.

So you guys,start to create your blogs now as many as you can and learn how to optimize it.Try to learn this and I'm sure you will never regret it.Have a nice blogging......